A training programme for Millennials to become the leaders of tomorrow
An innovative training programme and community of practice based on the Chaordic Leadership Approach principles. Join now: it's Free! Join the programLearn MoreLeadership, work-life balance, frugal innovation
We use the Chaordic Leadership approach to help millennials develop and apply transversal skills based on innovation and project management techniques and concepts.



Critical thinking


Active listening


Problem solving


Multi-disciplinary thinking






How to ask questions
Download the 21st Century Skills Handbook!

Join the MILC Leadership Hub
A collaborative learning and work-space for millennials to acquire new skills and develop innovative ideas.
Chaordic Learning Methodology
The six lenses of the Chaordic Approach
The chaordic design process includes six steps (Six Lenses of the Chaordic Organization) to help instructors facilitate the creation of chaordic learning environments. These steps were adapted to a learning context, based on the work of Dee W. Hock creating a chaordic organization. It is important to point out that a chaordic learning environment cannot be created by instructors alone, but rather through collaboration between learners and instructors, where instructors provide learners with mentorship opportunities and learners take charge of their own learning.

The Purpose defines the learning objectives of the course and a common understanding of what millennials aim to gain upon completion. It will provide answer to questions such as “Why are you here?”

Principles are the fundamental beliefs of how Millennials and instructors shall work together to pursuit new knowledge, based on experimentation, evaluation, taking initiative.

In the third lens we identify the people, the teams and the institutions necessary to achieve the defined purpose.

Millennials will enjoy inherent drive, higher self-organization, and creativity, leading to better learning and more enjoyment through our Chaordic approach.

The structure embeds the learning goals, roles, and responsibilities in the course’s official structure.

All practices that are included will stimulate creativity. Teams will make use of an e-portfolio and the GROW model for self-reflection.
Getting ready to start a journey that will open new horizons in the summer of 2022!
Now more than ever, with the Covid-19 pandemic still “alive” and the future to be in “transformation” route, the 21st century skills are considered to be key for Millennials to step up and lead the future.

A powerful consortium for change
MILC is Led by a well-balanced, and complementary mix of organizations, involving actors from both worlds: Academia, work and training/education involved in Skills and knowledge transfer, Entrepreneurship, Mentoring, Innovation, ICT Tools, quality and dissemination and of course strong project management experiences.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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