We are focused on impact
We seek to offer the necessary tools and knowledge to promote a new leadership and learning style created based onthe needs and way of thinking of the leaders of tomorrow.About us
The last few years European Union swims in unchartered waters and struggles to find answers on the following crucial and interrelated issues: how to achieve co-creation, how to apply open innovation and how to deal with the rippling effects of the economic crisis. In this already, complex world, the Covid-19 crisis has invaded into our lives and has driven the global to an unprecedented remote way of communication. Millennials’ needs seem to be more apropos than ever with flexibility, autonomy, alignment, and collective ownership be some of the core principles of their preferred way of working.
4 out of 10 EU employers had difficulty finding people with the right skills, while unemployment rates peaked. Rapid digitalization, Covid-19 crisis and technological skills obsolesce have also raised concerns about the extent to which the EU workforce is adequately prepared for the fourth industrial revolution. And this is mainly because the millennials (considered as innovation generators) either refuse to work on the current SME’s or
quit their jobs in less than 3 months. And the reasons are: a) they believe their workplaces aren’t smart enough, b) technology in the working environment is far behind from what they have in their homes (it is very obvious during the Covid-19 crisis) and c) co-creation that leads to innovation is not happening as fast as they desire.
Our Core Team

Emanuele Musa
Expert in open innovation, lean startup and design thinking. Emanuele is speaker at numerous conference and has trained over 500 social ventures in 15 countries. He is responsible for business development and sales.

Dimitris Raftopulos
Dimitris moto is “Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a
person of value.” He has dedicated his professional experience to human and
entrepreneurial development.

Vana Karayianni

Jana Bielikova
She is an optimist with intrinsic motivation and a strong sense of responsibility towards society and the environment. Jana focuses mainly on implementation of EU funded projects in the field of sustainability. Prior to her current position at PEDAL, she gained more than 10 years´ experience at Slovak Business Agency, where she worked in various roles, including the last position as the Head of the Department of International Projects.

Robert Miskuf

Ozge Andic Cakir

Vita Adomaviciute
Since 2000, Vita has worked in business consulting, training, and management of national and EU projects that focused on innovation, entrepreneurship and regional development. Certified facilitator of Lego Serious Play since 2011.

Elias Kouloumis
In the last 20 years he has been involved in management and implementation of numerous European projects in the fields of innovation and business development. Elias was one of the consultants of OEB Business Act – a business support unit established by Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation and is a certified facilitator of Lego Serious Play.

Manon van Leeuwen
Manon is currently EU bidding expert at Eolas, with more than 20 years of experience as project manager in European, national and regional projects. She is a highly experienced quality manager and an Exploitation expert for the European Commission’s Exploitation Booster.

Paula Matias Roca
With a degree in Law and Business Administration, Paula Matías is currently working as Project Manager Assistant at EOLAS since 2019. Competent in research and development of training materials on creativity, entrepreneurship, self-management and social impact, among other subjects.

Aysun Demirdogen-Sener
Aysun Demirdogen-Sener is one of the Registered Technology Transfer Professional (RTTP) in Turkey. She got her Master’s degree from Ege University Product Lifecycle Management Program. She is also a managing partner of Clipcil creative technology software company, funded by the Turkish National Seed Fund. She designs and operates entrepreneurship and business development trainings, open innovation activities, incubation, acceleration, and commercialization programs for university students, HE teachers, startups, and firms.

Ruxandra Creosteanu
Cofounder at Babele, Ruxandra is an ex sustainability consultant at Deloitte and a true change-agent at heart. She provides engagement and sustainability consulting to large organizations and runs a UN innovation program for the SDGs.

Fırat Sarsar
Dr. Fırat SARSAR is an Associate Professor at Ege University, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology in Turkey. He earned his BA and MS degrees in the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology in Turkey. Dr. Sarsar graduated from Georgia State University in the USA with his Ph.D. in Instructional Technology as a Fulbright scholar in 2014. His Ph.D. was fully funded by a Fulbright Scholarship. He was in many projects related to technology integration and teacher education.
Our Founding Partners
Babele is a technology and consulting company that works in the fields of collective intelligence, business modeling and social impact. We have pioneered application of open strategies and collaborative business planning, providing our programs and online platforms to universities, incubators, networks and corporations spread across 4 continents.
Learning Detours
Learning Detours is an adult and VET training organisation. The company combines innovative learning methodologies, theories and tools (Lego Serious Play, Open Space Technology, Business Model Canvas, Creativity techniques) in and out
of the classroom, in an effort to achieve expected learning outcomes.
EGE University
EGE University acts as a focal point for education, research, cultural and social activities in the city of Izmir and the Aegean region. It It ranks among the top five Universities in Turkey with respect to its publications, patent disclosures and commercialization of results. The goal of Ege University is to create synergies through its strengths within the Research and Innovation ecosystem for a
sustainable contribution to science and society.
PEDAL Consulting
PEDAL Consulting is management consulting firm with extended networks in all EU member states, wider Europe, Eurasia, Africa, MENA, South America, and the United States. To promote and foster sustainable democratic values and economic growth, we leverage the power of private capital and innovative business solutions for long-lasting social and economic impact, stability, peace, resilience, and prosperity.
EOLAS provides a wide range of services and support, in all phases of business creation, development and growth.. Co-creation, creativity techniques, narrative techniques and knowledge generation and management are only a few of the methods we apply in our aim of making you more innovative and reach a higher and more long-lasting impact.
ENSŌ is a European knowledge hub that delivers out of the box research, capacity building and training solutions towards individuals, teams and organisations. Enso’s staff members transfer knowledge and experience, assist people to bring out the best in themselves, improve both their lives and the ecosystem around them, motivate them to get out of their comfort zone, and finally contribute with added-
value to the society.