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What is Self Discipline?

Self-discipline is not an innate character trait. At most, a character trait, such as a strong will, can help build self-discipline. Self-discipline can, however, be taught, but one has to work on it oneself.

People are often inclined to make things easy for themselves, but if you give in too often, you will usually get into trouble. Not being able to resist various temptations and having to bear the consequences of that is not always fun. Perseverance is also a form of self-discipline. For example, if you have too little of that, you may have problems studying. However, all this can be prevented by building up self-discipline.

What are the characteristics of self-discipline?

Self-discipline is a rigorous method characterized by:

  • positive thinking, focusing on the benefits of one’s goals;
  • progression by step, by setting accessible objectives to increase as you go;
  • make lists of tasks to be done;
  • reward yourself when a goal is reached;
  • repeat until it becomes a habit;

The purpose of this personal development technique is to limit one’s efforts to reach one’s goal. It is not about punishing yourself for failure, but on the contrary, showing leniency and objectivity towards yourself. Self-discipline allows you to return to your initial motivation, in the event of difficulties or abandonment.
It is generally practiced alone, and sometimes with supports, such as a notebook for example in which the stages can be written, and the objectives set. It is then a matter of repeating day after day the actions and thoughts that allow one to progress gradually towards the project. Helping a partner can also be effective in increasing self-confidence, and solidarity.

Why is it important?

Self-discipline is useful. If you want to achieve something, you will have to have a certain discipline to perform certain actions. Suppose you are going to study or you want to achieve something in sports. Then you have to study, practice or train.

Discipline is also important in companies and organisations. There must be order and structure. Processes must be monitored. In some professions it is even vital. Consider hygiene measures in the operating room. You can’t mess with that, right? The regulations must also be implemented in accordance with the agreement.

Those who possess the quality of discipline are very suitable for this. On the one hand, he/she will easily submit to certain rules, and on the other, he/she is also very capable of keeping order and ensuring that things run as agreed.

Which are the benefits of self-discipline?

If you want to be successful, you must also have discipline. A top athlete will have to show discipline to complete the training every day. Entrepreneurs also need to have a certain amount of discipline and perseverance if they are to be successful.
Self-discipline has many benefits:

  • Creates Higher Efficiency in Achieving Projects and Goals
  • Improves your Time Management
  • Reduces Frustrations and Feelings of Failure
  • Builds Self-Confidence

In short: you cannot do without a certain amount of discipline.

The MILC project and Self Discipline

The main objective of the MILC project is to create a learning approach that will equip the Millennials with 21st Century skills in order to practice leadership based on their way of thinking and behavior.
The MILC project will facilitate innovation support activities to ensure Millennials understand and take advantage of the opportunities offered by new innovative concepts, methodologies and approaches.
As you may have already guessed, Self-Discipline is one of the 21st Century skills and developing it could be highly beneficial for any field of work. After all, any company needs people that are capable of self-organize, they are dependable and trustworthy. So, how are you with Self Discipline?